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New Pin Preorder and Restock!

I have a set of new pins coming out soon!

Three new designs, the “NO” pink lady, I Survived Con Season, Fabric Hoarder and Kitsune Sleeping Under Hydrangea! I’m also doing a restock of the sold out “I Bled on This Costume” and “I Finished Before the Event” pins! Help me fund this production, please! The new pins are currently in the mold making process. Remember that I process orders in the order in which they were placed, so if you want them, order them now to get them first or avoid sold out pins! Much thanks! You can find them on my etsy!

Used before post author name.
Aimee Major Steinberger is an animation artist currently working as Assistant Director on “Futurama”. She has previously worked on “The Simpsons” and various animation projects for Warner Bros. and Walt Disney Animation. Aimee wrote and illustrated a book about her trip to Japan, called, “Japan Ai: A Tall Girl’s Adventures in Japan. “ She is writes and illustrates for various Japanese fashion and manga publications. Aimee is also an award winning hobbyist costumer.
New White Diamond Art from Steven Universe

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